DDSN Referral Age 3 - 5
Step One
Parent calls DDSN at
1-800-289-7012 and requests EI services for child.
Step Two
DDSN completes screening over the phone. If screened in for services, parent is offered a choice of providers.
Step Three
Let's Talk Early Intervention completes a developmental assessment and the DDSN eligibility paperwork with parent and child.
Add description here.Step Four
Let's Talk Early Intervention submits assessment results and eligibility forms to DDSN central office eligibility division for review.
Add description here.Step Five
Let's Talk Early Intervention completes the FSP (Family Service Plan) and begins Family Training visits the following week.
Add description here.Step Six
Let's Talk Early Intervention assists the family in accessing therapy and/or school services based on the child’s needs and the funding resources available.
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