Babynet Referral Age 0 - 3
Step One
Parent calls BabyNet at
1-866-512-8881 and requests EI services for child.
.Step Two
BabyNet completes screening over the phone. If child is eligible, parent is offered a choice of providers.
Step Three
Let's Talk Early Intervention completes a developmental assessment.
.Step Four
Team (Family + LTEI) makes an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
.Step Five
Let's Talk Early Intervention Coordinates the appropriate services.
..Step Six
Receive Services from Let's Talk Early Intervention (Service Coordination and/or Family Training)
.Step Seven
At age 2.5, the Let's Talk Early Intervention, Service Coordinator begins talking to school district & DDSN about child’s development.
.Step Eight
At age 3, Let's Talk Early Intervention, works with DDSN for continued services if it is determined that they are needed
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